Stay Connected

Having aging parents and aging in-laws, I can honestly tell you the one thing they miss and need most during this pandemic is human interaction with their families. It does not mat­ter whether you do it in person, over Facetime, or by simply giving them a call. Most do not have much to look forward to on a daily basis. Most, like my parents, live a simple life. So, when my kids reach out to them, I know it makes their day.

My wife and I have always made time, and have encouraged our kids, to develop a relationship with their Grandparents. It is important to us for them to have that relationship. So often I hear of families who do not encourage their kids to reach out to their aging Grandparents and someday, those individuals will re­gret it when it is too late.

Make time to reach out to friends and family who are aging. Give them your undivided attention. Trust me. Your call/visit/Facetime will put a huge smile on their face and make their day.

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